Part 22: The Woman Who Returns
Part XXII: The Woman Who Returns
Uhhh...wasn't this Exodus' operation in the first place? Who the hell wasted these guys? Some of the survivors mutter about a man in red attacking them, but for all we know they're making excuses. Hey, maybe Marcia's bodyguards were worth a damn. In the back left corner (from where I currently am), there are a couple chests with a Wind Crest and a Reverse Doll in them.
Technically, the Crest is superior to Milla's Elemental Ribbon in terms of raw stats, but the elemental protection the Ribbon gives here is more advantageous than the minor stat gain the Crest resulted in. Equip responsibly, folks.

Dance of a Great Spirit

Oh man, is this awkward.

He's a Chromatus user, too?!

Rideaux proceeds to get himself in a 1 vs. 4 fight, and holds his own pretty damn well.
After knocking Milla to the ground...

Rideaux pulls an Albert Wesker and sends Jude and Alvin flying across the room with the palms of his hands...

Just prior to this, Milla took a swipe at Rideaux, but, continuing the theatrics, he knocked it away and backflipped.

Damn... This is not good, but we can't abandon Milla, not now.

Goddammit! Still, she can't give up...not now.

Our...old friend goes over to Elle, who is still holding Alt Milla's sword...

Milla gives us a brief demonstration of The Four...

Ah this fight. One of my favorite fights in the game, if only because we finally have the one, the only, the original, Milla Maxwell tagging in for us. In addition to that, it's genuinely a fun, chaotic boss fight with a ton of action and a great battle song.
So, what's different about Original Milla? Well, she has the power of Efreet, Undine, Sylph, and Gnome at her disposal. All except Undine are straight elemental-damage dealing moves, in their expected categories. Undine is a bit different. It's Milla's healing move (all characters have at least one), and as well as removing negative status effects from any characters in the blast radius around Milla. It's basically Jude's Healer and Restore in a single move, but beware the AI will drain through Milla's TP really fast. The sooner you can get TP-reducing accessories, give them to Milla.
In addition, she also has access to her Mystic Arte. Since it very much relies on the power of The Four, Alt Milla never got it. However, the only way to use it in this fight is if you lose this fight, and are sent back to the menu screen, where you can set it. However, don't let it come to this. Give it your all, for Alt Milla's sake.
Also, Rideaux has a bunch of his goons along for this fight. The goons themselves are very much more annoying than they are deadly, but they can throw out healing items (as can a few other human enemies), so you'll want to take them out as soon as possible, hopefully while the AI is keeping Rideaux and his Fauxmatus busy.

Speaking of the big man, if you chose to fight him way back in Nia Khera, you should have an idea how Rideaux fights. He's vulnerable to a lot of elements, and has a wide variety of close and long-range melee artes, though all of his moves generally have a longer reach here. A few are upgraded, and he does have access to his Mystic Arte, though evidently he did not feel the situation appropriate to use his not-so-trump card right now. His loss.

One arte that is significantly changed is Dancing Bayonet. It sends out the four magical buzzsaws like normal, but then they change into tornadoes. It's still simple enough to dodge them.

Overall, aside from Rideaux's relative unpredictability, he still doesn't have a whole lot of health or defense, and his elemental weaknesses will be his undoing. Good fight to introduce our old friend with.

He starts slowly walking backwards, and...

Oh no. After all that crap, we're not finished here. Well, maybe you are.

Oh, forget it, then. I'm sure we'll meet again.
Fade to black for classy transition to Marksburg...

But Ludger doesn't want to shake hands... Could be employment trouble coming up in his future.


Gaius is not a man to let old grudges rule his life. Remember, the last time they met, they were mortal enemies.

...She needs us right now. As you can guess, this raises her affection, as well as the two "Hold on to Milla" choices earlier raised her affection. Couldn't break the drama, you understand.

Fade to black...
Y'know, I wonder what game started this whole "Fade to black in the middle of a conversation implies exposition delivered to those not present for events described" first started. Personally I first noticed it during my first Tales of the Abyss playthrough (of...many, to be fair. I've probably spent somewhere around 300-350 hours playing that game, which is actually not far behind the hours I've put into this game.
For the record, I crossed the 300 hour threshold right before I got the pre-Thor cutscene at Lake Epsilla a couple updates ago.

I dunno, Jude seems to be doing pretty well for himself.

Fade to black, that transitions into a Gaius Bonus Scene.

Gaius ain't wrong about that, but he's not the relentlessly positive type. If this were Jude talking, L1 would definitely raise his affection, but Ludger asking what's on Gaius' mind will raise the King's affection.
Actually, both choices increase his affection. He calls L1 a cliche, which, to be fair, it is, but calls it appropriate in this circumstance.

Well, we didn't exactly take this on commission, but no one has to know about this but us.

Elle runs off...
We regain control after that, but the rest of our party will only tell us variations of go after Elle or regretting Alt Milla's loss. Elle's hanging out in Marksburg's Rieze port, so let's just skip right on over.

Stakes of the Trial

L1 it is... It's not wrong, but is it the whole truth? Neither choice is.

Vera calls...

The Temporal Crossroads was where Maxwell was hanging out in the events of Xillia 1, as well as being the final dungeon of the game. The final battle took place in the same arena the party fought Maxwell earlier in the game, before they reached Elympios. It's basically a place, as the name implies, where spirits like Muzet can easily travel from the spirit realm to the human one.

Another call... Hope it's not from who I think it is. Probably wouldn't be appropriate right now.

...You could say that.

Ludger hangs up.

Alright, so, that was some pretty heavy stuff. For now, though, keep in mind OG Milla joins your party in the exact same state Alt Milla left in. She has all the same skills equipped, same equipment, same affection level, etc. I'm told it's just a coincidence, but I'm skeptical.
Speaking of affection, remember when I linked all of Alt Milla's affection skits at once back when she joined the party? This was the reason. Unless you dump a whole bunch of Friendship Potions on her, or use Linked Artes with her constantly, you almost certainly won't get all of her skits before she leaves the party. Milla has her own affection skits, though none triggered right now.
Also, why did I call the Balanced Blade (Milla's current weapon) special? Well, that's because, if you preordered Tales of Zestiria from some retailers (Amazon being one of them, which is how I got it), you got a Tales costume DLC set, and one of the party members, Rose, gets OG Milla's outfit, as well as a "Milla's Sword" accessory anyone could use (I had Sorey wearing it, along with Yuri's sword, so he had three sowrds hanging off his belt for my first playthrough), which looked exactly like the Balanced Blade. So, that's Milla's sword, as far as I am concerned. In Zestiria, using Milla's costume also made the battle music change to the boss fight music we heard just a moment ago, which makes it one of the best costumes in the game.
At the time I was playing Zestiria, I really liked the song, but couldn't find it on this game's OST. I am pleased that situation has been rectified. It made for one particularly intense battle song on the very very special New Game+ fight to carry over equipment between playthroughs.
Well, as for Nova's question, we have a nice seat on the gald train at the moment. 140,797 gald out of 200,000 needed to advance the plot. We have a bunch of new Elite Monsters to topple, so something tells me the final fractured dimension will be stabilizing soon.
Also, one final note before we hit the trails yet again: a skit immediately after, with another chance to raise Milla's affection. Since this is the only skit I got during the course of this update's events, well, there is no "compilation" video this time.

The next leg of our journey begins in Nia Khera. As expected, OG Milla has her first story here. Note that it's called Milla Chapter 3, lest we forget about about Alt Milla's two adventures.

Where to go from here

This is a delicate issue, and Milla well knows how complicated this all this. R1 will raise her affection, to give her a chance to offer her views on how things are.

Of course, Milla's got the do-gooder / optimist thing going on, so we'll be going with R1, to raise her affection.

Good man... Though, Jude does have a tendency to say stuff like this before thinking, if some of his conversations with Ludger have gone in the past.

Speaking of the Nia Khera area, one of our latest Elite Monster friends has arrived here at the summit of the Hallowmont. Personally, I like my mountain peaks spectral beasts-free, so let's take care of this.Goddess Touch

Not too terrible much to say about this guy. He's vulnerable to Light and resistant to Darkness, but hsi major advantage is the number of status affects he'll throw, particularly Poison. It's not so much deadly as just really annoying, especially with Poison sapping away at your dudes' strength while he continues his fairly damaging attack line-up.

That's...about all there is to say about this guy, seriously.
Next item on our long agenda is a special job called Traces of Kinship 2. As you may recall, the first one was a job to deliver a data disk to Spirius, that disk being a partial record of Julius' early days as a dimension-destroyer. So, it stands to reason this new disc, to be acquired from some joker in Xian Du's coliseum, will contain similar content. Let's see...

Oh great, we have to talk to him again. What are the odds the...unpleasantness will be mentioned? Likely zero, considering this job actually became available last chapter.

Well, we know this for a fact, and Julius didn't deny it back in Nia Khera. We were set up by big bro, right from the start.

Well, given my next order of business is Gaius' second chapter, and we don't have enough room for that this time. Here's to you, Alt Milla...
Update 22 alternate choice compilation